Ovomancia consists of the interpretation of an egg in a glass of water after having cleaned the energy of some person, thing or animal.
When you practice ovomancia you are cleaning and absorbing the energy of who is practiced, then this energy is poured into a glass of water creating an energetic photograph of the individual.
Here are some registrations of the ovomancias I have been doing since the year 2013.
During 2019 I collaborate with artists Juan Pablo Plazas, Ana Maria Gómez, David Bernstein and Bernice Nauta in a performance including the ovomancia.
Performance at KASK (Gent 2013)
In Collaboration with artists Juan Pablo Plazas, Ana Maria Gómez, David Bernstein and Bernice Nauta (Bxl 2019)
Performance during a collaboration with sound artist Pauline Mikó (Paris 2019)